What Is CBC, And What Are The Potential Benefits?

Wholesale Team
What Is CBC, And What Are The Potential Benefits?

We have all heard of CBD. And many of us will also know what THC is. But there is emerging interest in a slightly different compound - CBC. In this article, you will learn:

  • What CBC is
  • The difference between CBC and CBD / THC
  • What CBC is used for
  • Where to find CBC

What is CBC?

CBC is short for cannabichromene, which is a type of cannabinoid in the hemp plant. It is the third most abundant cannabinoid you can find after THC and CBD. But it gets nowhere near the same amount of press!

You can think of CBC as a ‘sibling’ of CBD and THC. To better understand this, you need to know about something called CBG, which is the abbreviated term for cannabigerol. Cannabigerol is the ‘parent’ of CBD, THC and CBC, as all three are derived from it. When the hemp plant is manufactured, CBG is extracted and then turned into either CBD, THC or CBC. CBC has not been much of a focus of manufacturers in the past, possibly because the concentrations in current cultivars are very small. But ongoing research has shown that CBC has its own unique properties and benefits and therefore, this market is now opening up more.

What is the difference between CBC and CBD?

As already mentioned, CBC and CBD are siblings, in that they come from the same parent cannabinoid. Both have their own unique benefits and properties, some of which will be discussed below.


  • Both CBD and CBC are non intoxicating and not psychoactive. They will not get you stoned or high. The stoned feeling you get from cannabis comes from the THC, which is not present in CBD or CBC.
  • Both CBD and CBC are both potentially good for treating depression, pain, inflammation, acne and other skin conditions.
  • Broad spectrum CBD products have something called an ‘entourage effect’, which means other compounds from the hemp plant are present, giving more benefits to the body that CBD isolate. One of these compounds is CBC. So, when having broad spectrum CBD, you are automatically having CBC as well.


  • CBC doesn’t bind to the same receptors as CBD, but do work well specifically with receptors involving pain management and inflammation. So, if you struggle with something like arthritis, you might want to choose CBC for its more specific targeting.
  • CBC is much harder to find as an isolate than CBD.

What is CBC used for?

Research into CBC is ongoing. However, the following has been discovered and more research needs to be developed in each area.

CBC for acne: CBC has shown promising results in trials as an anti-acne treatment. CBD is also good for acne, so either can be used in this form of treatment. It is best applied topically but can also be used orally.

CBC for depression: CBC oil is believed to elevate anandamide. Anandamide is a fatty acid neurotransmitter. It is an important component in good mental health, and is known as a ‘happy hormone’.

CBC for pain and inflammation: CBC interacts with receptors that play a role in pain management and inflammation. If you struggle with chronic pain and don’t want to turn to conventional pain medicines, which can be addictive and harmful, then CBC might be the isolate you need to battle this problem in a healthy and natural way.

Is CBC a safe cannabinoid?

CBC is safe to use, as far as the research suggests. The average dose of CBC is between 10 and 50 mg. Just like CBD, it is known to be naturally therapeutic and work with your body to promote healing effects. It is also devoid of any significant doses of THC, so there will be no psychoactive experiences. You will not get stoned, or high, or feel sick or unwell when using CBC. In fact, you are unlikely to feel anything at all initially, and over time, will subtly begin to notice the improvement in your mood, pain management and skin quality. Remember to check that the CBC is lab tested and comes with proof of this lab testing.

Where to find CBC?

CBC can be used as a cream, a tincture or vaped as a vapour. At Jm Wholesale you can find the following CBC products to recommend to your customers, as well as many more:

CBC Oil - With the CBC+ Natural Oil, you'll receive all the calming benefits and powerful effects of CBC within a 10ml bottle. This product is a strength of 250mg, and has been lab tested for its potency and purity.

CBC Balm -  Great for muscle or joint pain, you can rub this balm into your sore spots and enjoy relief. Contains 50mg CBC.

CBC Gummy Bears - For those that prefer a sweet treat, the CBC gummies are vegan with 5mg of CBC in each.

CBC E-liquid - Perfect for your vaping customers, the CBC e-liquid is available in 4 flavours, with a 300mg strength. Can be combined with one of our JM Wholesale Refillable Vape Pens.

CBC Capsules - Capsules are swallowed each day with a meal, and can have all the same effects as gummies but without the flavour. There is 10mg of CBC in each capsule. The bottle is childproof and the product has been fully tested for safety.

CBC For Your Customers

Remember, if your customer is looking for CBC, you can offer them two options. They can either have one of the JM Wholesale CBC products listed above, or you can offer them a broad spectrum CBD product which will contain elements of CBC within it. Their choice will depend on how much CBC they are after per dose. If they want a higher dose of CBC, then a CBC isolate product will be best. If they are looking for the entourage effect, then this can be accomplished through a broad spectrum CBD product.

We are here to help. Send us your questions about any of our CBD or CBC products and we will guide you on the best products for your customers.

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