Introducing TAAT
Introducing TAAT

Introducing TAAT

Our Story

TAAT™ gives tobacco smokers the choice to leave nicotine behind while keeping the experience they love. Made from our proprietary Beyond Tobacco™ blend, TAATs are engineered to provide smokers with the same smoking experience they are familiar with: tobacco flavour, scent, and ritual with zero nicotine and zero tobacco.  TAATs represent an attractive alternative to tobacco cigarettes and other smoking products giving the consumer the option truly leave nicotine behind. Under veteran leadership with a “Big Tobacco” pedigree, TAAT launched in Las Vegas in Q4, 2020. 

TAAT has now secured distribution in the UK and Ireland and we’re excited to introduce our products into Europe for the first time through our developing partnership with JM Wholesale.

Our Product

TAAT developed a patent-pending 14-step proprietary refinement process engineered to closely resemble the smoking experience by delivering a consistent quality product with uniform CBD content (25MG CBD <0.2 THC Per Stick) in the hemp filler that ends with a remarkably smooth smoking experience — a true alternative to tobacco without nicotine’s grip of addiction.

Our collection of smokable TAATs include two flavours to ensure traditional smokers have a product that allows them to truly leave nicotine behind.  We have matched the flavours of popular brands. Our Original blend has bold big flavours while our Smooth brand has a milder, smooth taste.

TAATs strong USP particularly in the UK, is they are significantly cheaper than a pack of traditional cigarettes! Pair that with the physical sensations for the smoker of inhaling, exhaling and flicking ashes to keep the hands satisfied, no detail has been overlooked in creating a satisfying experience for smokers. TAAT enables smokers to integrate CBD into their existing lifestyle.

Not only are TAATs the perfect option for individuals who are trying to give up traditional cigarettes but are also useful for consumers who are in a situation where they are not allowed nicotine e.g., having a medical operation or alike.  TAATs can also be used as prop cigarettes in film and theatre protecting the performers from nicotine.

The Current Marketplace

Our studies show that smokers are looking for alternative products, but many, if not most, return to smoking. 

- NRTs (nicotine replacement therapies) have been largely ineffective at impacting smoking incidence. 

- Smokers prefer a solution that is more familiar and fits seamlessly with their smoking moments (morning coffee, afternoon commute, socializing with friends).

- Smoking is expensive. Consumers indicate that “the cost” is the #1 reason they dislike smoking which is often driven by high tax.

Both Original and Smooth blends are available to buy from JM Wholesale as individual packs of 20 sticks or a sleeve of 10 packs.

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