What Can CBD Do For Your Skin?

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What Can CBD Do For Your Skin?

Incorporating CBD-infused beauty products into your skincare routine.

CBD is everywhere; from the edibles on your paper plate to the infused tea in your mug, and even your vanity filled with beauty products. The infusion of CBD products has gone beyond the ‘traditional’ cannabis consumption through vapes, blunts, and bongs. In 2022, the Beauty and Personal Care market revenue is about £470 billion, whereas the CBD cosmetics segment of that market is estimated to grow by £2.55 billion. For a component derived from the cannabis plant, which was once widely criminalized, CBD appears to do more good than harm. Scientific research supporting this has also alluded to the fact that CBD has immense benefits for skincare. However, when it comes down to the process of efficiency, a lot of people don’t know what CBD does for the skin -so we’re going to break it down.

But first, a recap…what is CBD?

Cannabidiol is a naturally-occurring compound derived from the cannabis plant. Commonly known as CBD, this chemical component has been researched over several decades to establish its medical benefits. CBD has no mind-altering effects and is generally considered safe enough for the medical use of cannabis without causing harm to the consumer.

Some of the most common health benefits of CBD are its antioxidant properties, pain relief, and the management of stress and anxiety. As scientists and researchers establish more niche-specific benefits of CBD for skincare, it has been adapted for the beauty industry through infused treatments and products. But before you take our word for it, or the glowing remarks from other users, let’s break down the actual benefits of CBD for your skin.

Acne Treatment

In a 2019 study, it was established that topical administration of a CBD-infused ointment resulted in relief for inflammatory skin diseases and scars. One of the most common inflammatory skin conditions is Acne and it can be triggered by several things, peculiar to individual cases. A product containing anti-inflammatory properties can be soothing, which is the primary treatment for acne. CBD, with its healing and soothing properties, fits this treatment requirement. In preventing the skin’s reaction to irritants and minimizing oil production, CBD helps to soothe and reduce inflammations, as well as prevent the scarring aftermath.

Redness and Reactions

CBD’s benefits for acne are similar to the components that make it an effective treatment ingredient for skin redness and reactions. A 2020 study of the Therapeutic Potential of Cannabis for Skin Health and Disorders shows that topical application of CBD is beneficial for the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, and other conditions. The anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-lipogenic properties in CBD make it an efficient ingredient in the treatment of skin redness and associated reactions.

Clearing Wrinkles & Skin Rejuvenation (Anti-aging)

In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties that CBD has, it contains antioxidants that are responsible for refreshing and rejuvenating skin cells. Through topical application and oral consumption, CBD can help to reduce the symptoms of aging that are visible on your skin. Wrinkles, paleness, fine lines, and other visible signs of aging can be cleared with the routine application of CBD-infused products directed towards the same treatment objective. The presence of CBD acts as an activator or enhancer to ensure that the properties present in these products work efficiently for naturally-occurring results.

Incorporating CBD-infused beauty products in your skincare routine

Given the extensive benefits of CBD for skin health, it is easy to see the basis for the impact that this compound has in the beauty industry and its increasing popularity. To incorporate CBD into your skincare routine, you can simply start with the topical use of CBD oil. CBD oil is produced through the extraction of CBD compounds from the cannabis plant. The extracted compound in powder form is then mixed with other natural oils like olive oil or coconut oil. However, there are several varieties of CBD-infused products that can be substituted for your skincare routine. Some of these include;

Cleansers & Toners

Cleansers and toners are a standard part of any skincare routine because they help to remove dead cells and dirt on your skin while providing your skin with a fresh sheen and glow. A CBD-infused cleanser like the Poko Purifying Gel Cleanser adds the anti-inflammatory and scarring-healing properties of CBD to the traditional benefits of a high-quality cleanser to give you better, clearer, and softer skin. You can add the Poko CBD Brightening Rosewater Toner to enjoy a full package result of brighter skin!

Facial Moisturizers

The primary job of a moisturizer is to provide the hydration and refreshing properties that your skin needs to stay looking bright. With a product like the Ambience CBD-infused Facial Moisturizer, you can sustain the refreshing quality of your skin and get additional benefits like soothing pain, reducing scars, and antioxidant properties.

Body Butters

For all-around skincare to keep your body looking and feeling lush, body butter is the answer. They provide protective and moisturizing benefits while helping your body with antioxidants and vitamins that are required to maintain healthy skin. The Endoca CBD Hemp Whipped Body Butter is a great choice of CBD-infused body butter that will give your skin everything it needs!

Face Masks

Face masks made with natural components can efficiently provide brightening and softening benefits for your skin. The infusion of CBD oil with the vitamins and other properties of the face mask can take your skin to the next level. With the Plant of Life Indica Relaxing Face Mask, from the JM online store, in your skin routine, you can make your skin come alive with a fresh glow that stays with you all day, every day!

We offer several varieties of CBD-infused products at JM Wholesale and you can find something that suits your budget, taste, and skin needs. Remember that change takes time and skincare is a lifestyle that must be maintained for you to see results.


Disclaimer: Consult your dermatologist before making any changes to your skincare routine or using any CBD product.

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