How To Keep The Cost of Vaping Down

Emma Rowlands
How To Keep The Cost of Vaping Down

Vaping is significantly cheaper than smoking.The average smoker spends almost £5000 per year on cigarettes. That’s enough money to buy a car, go on a round-the-world trip, or renovate your kitchen. And that’s just the average - many smokers spend even more than that on a habit that, ultimately, only harms them. 

The wider financial cost to smoking is also enormous. The cost of smoking to the UK Government is approximately £12.6 billion a year. And, as we all know, when the costs are that high, it’s our taxes that rise to pay for them. 

Vaping, on the other hand, is a money saver. There’s some debate as to the actual annual cost, but experts believe it’s between £300 and £600 per year

That’s an average saving of approximately £4400 per year when making the switch. 

While vaping is considerably cheaper and safer than smoking cigarettes, there is still a monthly cost involved which you could reduce right down by following a few simple tips and tricks.

Here is what you should do.

Check Your E-Liquid Strength

You might be losing money through using the wrong e-liquids, or not buying and using them in a way that is cost effective. 

First of all, check the strength of your e-liquid. If you need a high level of nicotine, and you vape using a 10mg e-liquid, then you may find that you need more e-liquid than if you were using, let’s say, a 20mg e-liquid. By increasing the strength of your e-liquid, you spend less money because you get through bottles slower. 

The same can be said about CBD e-liquids. If you are trying to use a high strength CBD vape for something like pain management, then you will use more e-liquid if you are vaping a low mg. By increasing the mg, you buy less and make a saving. Be careful with your math though, as some high strength CBD e-liquids do cost more than the lower mg dose. 

Check Your Brand Quality

This tip applies not only to e-liquids but to vaping kits and accessories too. Unregulated vapes run the following risks:

  • The strength of the e-liquid might not be as stated, meaning you consume more of it. 
  • The e-liquid might be low quality and runs out too quickly
  • The vaping kit might break easily or need replacement parts too often
  • The coil might be low quality meaning you shell out money on replacements too often
  • If you are vaping CBD from an unregulated vendor, you might not be getting any CBD at all.

Start With Disposables

If you are brand new to vaping, you may not want to make a large upfront investment on a vape kit that doesn’t suit you. Disposables are cheaper than complex vaping systems, and this way you can test out some flavors and vaping styles and strengths. This keeps upfront costs down, however, due to the fact that disposables aren’t built to last, the cost can rack up if you begin vaping long term, which brings us onto our next tip.

Move Away From Disposables For Long Term Vaping

When you get used to vaping and decide you want to do it long term, disposables become problematic for your bank balance because you have to replace them regularly. So at this point, it might be more cost effective to buy a reliable vaping pod / mod to refill and use on a long term basis. 

Switch To MTL Vaping

Mouth to lung (MTL) vaping is a technique similar to smoking. It is where you inhale the vapour into your mouth before inhaling it back into your lungs. The other style of vaping is Direct Lung vaping, which is where you inhale straight into your lungs using a high VG e-liquid, producing larger clouds. When you do Direct Lung vaping, you consume much more e-liquid than when you do MTL vaping. Therefore, sticking to MTL vaping keeps the costs down.

Make Your Own E-Liquid

When you buy a new e-liquid every week, the cost begins to rise, especially if you have to pay a delivery fee. If you make your own e-liquid using DIY ingredients, several benefits emerge:

  • You can make it in bulk, bringing down the overall cost
  • You can control the strength using nicotine salts, meaning you get more potent e-liquid than is available in the shop. This means you use less.
  • You can control your flavour, so you won’t be disappointed and end up throwing out flavours you don’t like. 

Prime Your Coils

A well primed coil will have a longer lifespan. The cost of coils can add up, especially if you are replacing them too often. If a coil isn’t primed, the cotton can burn, and the coil will die prematurely, causing you to buy more. You prime it by adding drops of e-liquid into each of the wicking areas (holes which contain the cotton). The wicking areas will absorb the e-liquid, so they’re wet.Then put the coil back into the tank with the rest of the e-liquid. This helps prevent burning. 

Use The Right VG/PG For Your Coil

Another sure way to wreck a coil and replace it prematurely is to use the wrong VG and PG ratio for that coil. E-liquids with a high VG should only be used with low resistance coils, because high resistance coils over 0.6ohm will fail to absorb the liquid quickly enough and the coil will burn. 

Buy Wholesale

When you buy vaping kits, e-liquids and vaping accessories at wholesale prices, you automatically keep the costs down. If you are buying wholesale for your vaping business, you can keep your own supply to one side so that you always vape at a fraction of the cost of retail prices. 

We Can Help

If you have any questions about our wholesale vaping products, call or email us and we will get back to you with advice and guidance. Vaping needn't be expensive when you know what to look for, and the smartest ways to shop.

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