Vape & CBD Blog Posts

A Brief History of CBD

A Brief History of CBD

Thomas L

Cannabis has actually been used by people for thousands of years, so the popularity of CBD today is more of a revival. As research piles up, CBD is on the path to becoming increasingly accepted.

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The Legal Status of CBD in the UK (and beyond)

The Legal Status of CBD in the UK (and beyond)

Thomas L

CBD is legal in the UK as long as it’s derived from industrial hemp that’s EU-approved and its THC content is below 0.2%. While CBD laws vary per country, EU is generally the most open to CBD.

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How Safe is Vaping?

How Safe is Vaping?

Thomas Lowe

Everyone’s been talking about vaping recently because of the situation in the US, with several e-cigarette users dying and more in hospitals with severe lung injuries. Public opinion about vaping has always been divided, but the situation in the US has intensified the debate on how safe vaping really is.

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The Future of CBD in the UK

The Future of CBD in the UK

Thomas Lowe

CBD (cannabidiol) products are on the rise globally, and the UK is no exception. From CBD-infused coffee to CBD gummies, it has exploded into an entire industry that offers a stunning variety of options. Formerly relegated to the sidelines and viewed as controversial, CBD is now becoming more mainstream in certain parts of the world, with doctors prescribing it as...

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A Complete Guide to CBD Oil

A Complete Guide to CBD Oil

Logendra Rajan

Once a fringe product, CBD oil has been attracting more attention in the UK over the past few years, and public interest in it is growing. However, as popular as it is, not a lot of people know exactly what it is. For one, it’s often confused with marijuana, and UK regulations about it are hardly black and white, with...

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Vaping Stats Roundup

Vaping Stats Roundup

Thomas Lowe

It’s been more than ten years since vaping was introduced to the UK. From being a fringe activity, vaping has boomed into a thriving billion pound global industry with its own communities and international regulations. Vaping is often a hotly contested subject as well, garnering a lot of attention from the media and attracting the interest of both researchers and...

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